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school classes & workshops

school classes & workshops

Our school classes and workshops allow you to bring our SEL curriculum into your school for an extended period of time to reach as many students as we can.

Group of middle school girls holding up handwritten worksheets
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Taught in 4-12 week sessions as a “lunch/recess club” or integrated into a school’s curriculum.

All classes are experiential using role play, games, projects and discussion.

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Classes are tailored to suit the needs of the school focusing on the following themes:

  • self esteem
  • feelings

  • friendship

  • communication

  • leadership

  • self care / puberty and hygiene

  • social media / technology

Primary school girls in a circle with the feet pointed to the center
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They are designated by age and / or grade and follow a carefully constructed curriculum where students learn to understand their behavior and others around them.

what people say about what we do

“Thank you, all! Another great cycle and we’re so appreciative of the partnership, particularly this year as we know some of our girls really needed it.”

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Anthony – School Principal

“It was WONDERFUL to have you in the school this year and I look forward to expanding this next year. Everything you did was excellent and the students really benefited from your knowledge and the joyful way you approached what can be a touchy subject! My sincere thanks for being exemplary educator role models!”

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High School Dean of Student Leadership & Wellness

“Thank you so much for all of your work over these past weeks! The classes you gave were so wonderful and struck just the right tone, and I think this was a great experience for the girls. We truly appreciate it everything you have done.”

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High School Psychologist

let’s get started today!